Tuesday, February 7, 2012

BP# 8 Going Green

I have  read some websites that provide me way how to green the  enviroment.Now,  Human contribution and efforts can prevent and control this global warming and  pollution  even deforestation should be stopped.Then, we can  use as little as possible to encourge and start taking care of  our planet.
 I think that is impotant to take care our enviroment  because as humans do not realize that one day resouces of planet is going to disappear. We have to keep in mind that to green is our daily life. For example, There are some thing that helpe to grean such as unplug the electodomestic  are not using, turn off the light before living, and others things. Hence, many people are taking actions  to do it and pass it on to future generations. The work that we are doing now, for our children  will be a good life, they can enjoy like us of our planet.