Monday, January 16, 2012

BP#4 Going Green

Those days people tend to spend less money and find food at low price . However,they  buy thinking in satisfied they angry without realize wether the vegetables and fruits are contaminaded .Now, the food are exposed too much artificial fertilizer and do not have enough vitaminas as a natural product.Then, I think that is better to opt for organic food ,it makes less dangarious to get diseaces. When I go to shop food,I try to find  fresh food near  at home. I  really do not have access to get organic food , some of food are natural but the rest are fertilized in excess. But, I decided to find a close location of organic food to get  it.


  1. Hello Melida that was good but you need to practice more argui

  2. ye~ we all try to find nutritius market-such as "Whole Food"-,and need to consume organic and fresh food from the near stroe so that we can reduce chance of getting cancer, disease and sickness.
