Sunday, January 22, 2012

BP#5soda tax

According to the article'"Soda Tax"  the consumption of soda on humans is high and this adversely affects health because of the high amount of sugar ,it has. Without doubt, the soda has no  any health  benefit on humans.
     Soda is everywhere and we can not deny that excess soda consumption is harmful. Some think the tax increase in soda can decrease and prevent future disease. On the other hand, it is not  unique that harm people even technology affects humans to be sedentary and without movement, which has caused an increase in obesity and other diagnostic information about this is the way of eating and drinking influence  on human diseases.However,This is a good start for people to dismiss the obesity.

1 comment:

  1. Hi~

    i agree with the article "Soda Tax." Oh~ I like the man on the pic.
    I also wrote about "Soda Tax", too. ye~ the government should increase soda tax. in case of me, i usually drink 1 or 2 cans of soda on a day. if the government raise excise on soda, i could decrease to drink soda. Then what else we can do for decreasing obesity and other diseases?
